Thursday 20 August 2015

General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies- Crab Apple Remedy

General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies

Crab Apple Remedy
Crab Apple is one of the most interesting of the Bach Flower Essences, because it is used to treat both the inner and the outer self.

Individuals in the negative Crab Apple State are focused so intently on order, purity, and perfection within themselves and their immediate environment, that they are quite often unable to see the larger picture.
These people are prime examples of "Not being able to see the forest for the trees."
Once a detail that is "off" captures their attention, they can think of little else until they correct that detail.
Their desire for cleanliness pushes those in the extreme negative Crab Apple state to exhibit the kinds of behaviours that would seem bizarre to others. For instance, they may wash their hands every few minutes, or take 6 showers in a single day.
This overwhelming desire for purity makes those in need of this Bach flower remedy especially wary of insects, foods that have been in the refrigerator too long, and all kinds of infections. They are first in line for preventative measures when a new virus is announced.
Those in an intense positive Crab Apple state are often healers - able to absorb, filter, and transform dark forces and blocked energies in others. People with that kind of energy are rare, but all persons in the positive Crab Apple state can share positive energies with those around them.
On the physical level, Crab Apple, often combined with Pine, has long been used to treat skin disorders. It can be added to bath water or used as a compress. Combined with lotion, it is often used to treat wounds.
Some Bach Flower Remedy practitioners recommend Crab Apple to aid in recovery from an incipient cold, or to counter-act the side effects of pharmaceuticals. It is also recommended to overcome the effects of a hangover.
Because Bach Flower practitioners are continuously subjected to the energies of their patients, some take Crab Apple and Walnut between sessions to lessen the effect on their own energies.
Registered Off: 9 E, Loockerman Street, St. 205, Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Registered Agent at this address is Business Filings Incorporated.

Process Center: 4-1-424 to 426, Bank Street, Abids, Hyderabad # 500001 India
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938
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General Homeopathy - Bach Flower Remedies - Red Chestnut Remedy

Bach Flower - Red Chestnut (Aesculus Carnea)

Do you have a friend or relative who can't allow you or others to fully enjoy any experience because he or she is constantly asking "But what if...?" If so, that individual may be in need of the Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut.

Red Chestnut personalities appear to be caring and concerned, but that care and concern can be smothering, especially for children who need to experience new events and situations in order to grow.

This is the mother who, because of her illogical fear of disease, won't take her infant child out of the house, and discourages anyone from visiting for fear they'll bring a virus or a germ. This irrational fear of disease has a name, Pathophobia, and can be successfully treated with this Bach Flower Remedy.
This is also the mother / spouse / friend who is sure something terrible has happened if another person is late for a gathering or doesn't telephone at an appointed hour.
Those suffering from the Red Chestnut state do feel pain and suffering because of their worries, but don't realize that their over-concern is inflicting pain upon their loved ones. They also fail to realize that focus on the possibility of negative events can energetically attract those events.
The Red Chestnut state can occur when a symbiotic bond is not severed at the appropriate time. For instance, it occurs when the bond between a mother and an infant is not loosened enough to allow both to continue with their own growth. This flower essence is helpful for both mother and child when weaning.

When one party becomes too dependent upon the other, both can be damaged. This is not to say that the bonds of love should be severed - merely the over-dependence of one upon the other.
The Red Chestnut personality does not limit its care and concern to family members, but can project its worries and fears to friends and neighbors as well. Some whose professions cause them to identify strongly with others often fall temporarily into this state: for instance, nurses and counsellors.
Few experience the Red Chestnut as a life-long state, but those who do suffer greatly.
After treatment with Bach Flower Remedies, the Red Chestnut personality is able to project thoughts of security and well-being rather than worry. He is able to provide guidance and a positive influence without being intrusive, and is able to handle events in his own life with a cool head.

Registered Off: 9 E, Loockerman Street, St. 205, Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Registered Agent at this address is Business Filings Incorporated.

Process Center: 4-1-424 to 426, Bank Street, Abids, Hyderabad # 500001 India
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938
Web: Email:

Wednesday 5 August 2015


Rxhomeo,inc: GENERAL HOMEOPATHY BACH FLOWER REMEDIES Mustard R...: Rxhomeo,inc: General Homeopathy Bach Flower Remedies Mustard Remed y GENERAL HOMEOPATHY  B...


Rxhomeo,inc: General Homeopathy Bach Flower Remedies 

                                    Mustard Remedy


Key attributes of Bach Flower Mustard Remedy are Depression of Unknown Cause.

  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects
  • Soft Tablets
  • Also known as Flower Remedy

Indications:  Think of Mustard Remedy when one gets depressed without any reason. For depression of unknown cause, a sudden gloom that descends for no apparent reason, which destroys one's normal cheerfulness and everything suddenly, feels completely hopeless. Mustard teaches inner stability, cheerfulness, and serenity, helps one enjoy life in its full glory.

Product Presentation: For detailed product description and product options like size, format and potency please refer the FAQ page or call toll free 1.888.2896642. 

Warnings: This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advice before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.

Registered Off: 9 E, Loockerman Street, St. 205, Dover, Delaware 19901 USA
Registered Agent at this address is Business Filings Incorporated.

Process Center: 4-1-424 to 426, Bank Street, Abids, Hyderabad # 500001 India
Tel: +1.888.BRYONIA (2796642) Fax: +1-253-295-3938
Web: Email:

Tuesday 4 August 2015

rxhomeo: is now open in India

rxhomeo: is now open in India: is now open for business in India! is India’s leading online homeopathic pharmacy and resource, specializin...