Friday 16 September 2016

About Homeopathy


Homeopathy, the 2nd largest system of medicine in the world as per the World Health Organization (WHO), being practiced in over 80 countries and used by 50 crore people worldwide, is gradually commanding the respect that it rightfully deserved. The world homeopathic market is valued at over 2.7 billion dollars with France being the largest market at approximately 405 million dollars and Germany following second at nearly 270 million dollars. With the current annual growth rate being 25%, it is estimated that the world market for Homeopathy will probably cross 11 billion dollars by 2017.
Just over 200 years old, Homeopathy was founded by the great German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 and is thus the youngest of all the medical sciences. Homeopathic clinical practice is becoming more standardized and homeopathic pharmaceutical companies are now adhering to regulatory norms. Homeopathy is based on the law of similars, according to which, a substance capable of producing certain symptoms in a healthy individual is capable of treating similar symptoms in a diseased person. Thus, the logic is to evoke a healing response from the body itself rather than trying to suppress the disease manifestation.

Myths about Homeopathy

Here are some of the common myths (about Homeopathy) that have clearly fallen apart:

Myth 1: Homeopathic medicines are placeboes

Our answer to this: The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized Homeopathy as an accepted system of medicine and the world's second largest system of medicine. There have been many double blind trials conducted where the efficacy of Homeopathic medicines have been proved. Studies have shown the ability of Homeopathic medicines to induce physiological changes in the body temperature. Homeopathy even works on animals in diseases like distemper and fifty percent of veterinary doctors in UK use Homeopathy. It shows effective results in infants even in acute diseases such as abdominal colic. This would not have been possible if homeopathic remedies were placeboes.

Myth 2: Homeopathic medicines are slow to act and cannot be used in acute cases

Our answer to this: Most people take recourse in Homeopathy for chronic problems such as arthritis, allergic asthma or skin conditions, etc., which take a longer time to be treated with any other system of medicine too. However, in acute ailments like fever, diarrhoea, acute cold, cough, etc., homeopathic remedies act as fast as conventional medicines, sometimes even faster.

Myth 3: All homeopathic medicines are the same

Our answer to this: Although all homeopathic medicines look alike, essentially they are not the same. The basic ingredients of homeopathic medicines come from 3000 different sources that are mainly derived from plants and minerals. Their active principles are extracted into various solvents. For better palatability, the liquid homeopathic medicine is poured into small globules, which are highly porous and therefore absorptive. Although they may look alike, every homeopathic remedy is different from another.

Myth 4: Homeopathy cannot help surgical cases at all

Our answer to this: A number of surgical conditions can be treated effectively with Homeopathy, for e.g. recurrent tonsillitis, piles, fissures, fistula, chronic ear discharge, vocal cord nodules, kidney and gall bladder stones, small-sized uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, warts and corns. However, every medical science has its set of advantages and limitations. Thus, in certain cases where the disease has reached an advanced stage or in emergency cases, surgery is essential and cannot be avoided. In fact, many surgeons and dentists use Homeopathy pre and post operatively. A homeopathic remedy Calendula is recommended as an external application by many surgeons to facilitate better surgical wound healing without leaving behind ugly scars.

Myth 5: There are too many dietary restrictions to be followed during homeopathic treatment

Our answer to this: The only medical restrictions that a homeopath may impose depend upon the disease that the patient suffers from; for example, diabetics should avoid sweets and a high carbohydrate diet. Since homeopathic medicines act through nerve endings, traditional homeopaths do not prefer the use or consumption of any substance with strong odors like toothpaste, garlic, onions, etc., as this could affect the action of homeopathic medicines. Modern homeopaths recommend having the medicines after rinsing the mouth half an hour before and after meals and also advocate placing the medicine below the tongue for best results.

Myth 6: Homeopathy and Allopathy cannot be taken together

Our answer to this: In patients suffering from drug-dependant diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, allopathic drugs cannot be suddenly withdrawn; hence, homeopathic medicines may be taken with allopathic medicines. However, allopathic medicine is often palliative or suppressive. For example, if a patient with headache takes a painkiller, his symptoms would get masked and therefore a good prescription by a homeopath could become difficult. Similarly, some medicines in Allopathy tend to suppress rather than cure while homeopathic medicines may expel toxins. In such cases, it is better to take Homeopathy alone.

Advantages of Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies are easy to take with no special dietary or lifestyle restrictions, unless a particular disease calls for them. Additionally, Homeopathy is against animal testing as this tends to harm them irrevocably or kills them. Homeopathic remedies, being infinitesimally small doses, are absolutely safe and therefore directly tested on healthy human beings through a scientific process called drug proving. Another benefit is that while animal testing only provides information about structural pathologies, homeopathic drug proving enables recording of even mental and emotional symptoms.

Effective, safe and gentle treatment

The curative effects and the symptomatology of every homeopathic medicine are proven only on healthy human beings, not rats and rabbits, making homeopathy uniquely reliable. Homeopathic medicines are prepared by the process of dynamization, in which, the original medicinal substance, irrespective of its nature whether inert or toxic initially, undergoes serial dilutions with constant friction so as to liberate its healing bioenergies whilst getting rid of its ability to produce any side-effects. Being infinitesimally small doses, these medicines do not produce any adverse reactions even when taken for prolonged periods of time and can therefore be safely given even to babies, children, and elderly people.

Patient-friendly and convenient

Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that assists the natural tendency of the human body to heal itself. Homeopathic medicines being easy to administer, sweet to taste, non-invasive and free of side-effects, are extremely convenient for the patient and therefore command better patient compliance. They are absolutely safe even if taken for prolonged periods of time. Unlike other medical systems where many drugs need to be administered to treat multiple symptoms in a single patient, Homeopathy advocates the administration of a single remedy called the similimum that is capable of treating all the disease symptoms in a particular patient. It is a subtle yet effective therapy that can correct small imbalances long before the appearance of the more serious symptoms that indicate the onset of a particular disease. The doctor-patient relationship is vital in Homeopathy, where the homeopath becomes a friend, philosopher, and guide to the patient, a healer as well as a preserver of good health.

Cost-effective treatment

Homeopathic treatment is extremely cost-effective in the long run especially keeping in mind that treatment is sought for chronic diseases that need long-term treatment. Homeopathy believes in employing a single remedy, in minimum dose and minimal repetition when treating any patient. Since homeopathic medicines are prepared by serial dilutions, a miniscule amount of the original medicinal substance is required when manufacturing the medicines. Additionally, since only a few drops of the medicine are used to medicate the sugar globules, preparation costs are also low. Homeopathic medicines are therefore inexpensive as compared to medicines from the other medical systems. Moreover, Homeopathy also obviates the need for surgery in a number of conditions such as warts, piles, fissures, tonsillitis, ovarian cysts and kidney stones for which patient may otherwise have to pay up a lot for conventional treatment methods.