Friday 6 January 2017


Homeopathy, also know


Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a medical system that originated in Europe. Homeopathic treatment involves giving extremely small doses of substances that produce characteristic symptoms of illness in healthy people when given in larger doses. This approach is called "like cures like."n as homeopathic medicine, is a medical system that originated in Europe. Homeopathic treatment involves giving extremely small doses of substances that produce characteristic symptoms of illness in healthy people when given in larger doses. This approach is called "like cures like."


Homeopathy, also known as homeopathic medicine, is a medical system that originated in Europe. Homeopathic treatment involves giving extremely small doses of substances that produce characteristic symptoms of illness in healthy people when given in larger doses. This approach is called "like cures like."

Rxhomeo,inc: One more piece of evidence to prove the active nat...

Rxhomeo,inc: One more piece of evidence to prove the active nat...: One more piece of evidence to prove the active nature of high potency homeopathic medicines   The major criticism that homeopathy&#3...

Rxhomeo,inc: Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM...

Rxhomeo,inc: Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM...: CAM and homeopathy popular with children and adolescents with chronic conditions The journal 'Pediatrics' has published a...

Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

CAM and homeopathy popular with children and adolescents with chronic conditions

The journal 'Pediatrics' has published an article demonstrating that complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use is high among children and youth with chronic illnesses in Canada. The objective of the study was to assess the prevalence and patterns of use of CAM in 10 sub-speciality clinics in Canada and to compare CAM use between two diverse geographical locations. The most common CAM products currently used were multivitamins/minerals, herbal products, and homeopathic remedies. The most common CAM practices currently used were massage, chiropractic, relaxation, and aromatherapy. Eighty adverse effects were reported, and 55 (68.8%) of these were self-assessed as minor. The results of this study indicate that CAM use is high among pediatric specialty clinic outpatients. Most respondents felt that their CAM use was helpful with few or no harms associated. Patients want more information about CAM from their sub-specialty providers. Many patients, using CAM alongside their conventional medicines, are still not discussing their CAM use with their primary physicians.  

One more piece of evidence to prove the active nature of high potency homeopathic medicines

One more piece of evidence to prove the active nature of high potency homeopathic medicines 

The major criticism that homeopathy's denialists constantly use is that homeopathic medicines cannot work because their potentised nature means that the high potencies bypass Avogadro's number and there are therefore no 'molecules of the source material left in the medicine'. This simplistic understanding of the nature of homeopathy's medicines has been disseminated to great effect by the denialists to prevent homeopathic medicine's progress as a valid therapy and to offer its low-cost effectiveness to patients. It would seem however that the day of the denialists are numbered as a growing body of research from the field of biochemistry and biophysics shows that high potency medicines can be identified and measured. Furthermore, the research offers a means of enhancing and ensuring the quality of homeopathic medicines. Here is the abstract of the latest piece of research to be published in the journal of 'Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics'.

A quality control method of highly diluted and potentized homeopathic remedies is important for curing patients applying homeopathic therapy. Lenger detected photons in highly potentized homeopathic remedies by delayed luminescence. The photons of Argentum metallicum 100MK and Cantharis 100MK magnetically bound to their carrier substances ethanol or saccharose were separated by their resonating magnetic field of about 2.06 MHz. The photons of these 100MK potency levels and of their reference substances were determined to be standard values calculated by the B 2-values of Bajpai’s equation derived from the Hamiltonian equation. The stability of ethanolic Argentum metallicum 100MK and Cantharis 100MK declined to 1/3 of their photons within a month in contrast to saccharose globules with Argentum metallicum 100MK having been stable during the period of these investigations for almost 1 year. Some remedies delivered as CMK potency had been proved to be ethanol. The testing amount of high ethanolic potencies is limited to 40 μl because 80 μl resulted in an attenuation of the photons; 40 μl equal 16 medicated saccharose globules. Six unknown homeopathic remedies could be identified as increasing potency levels of Argentum metallicum from 100MK to 1.000MK which indicates a calibration curve. The homeopathic factories having sent the unknown remedies confirmed the measurements. A quality control of homeopathic remedies is possible by comparing the different B 2-values of the remedies and their carrier substances.