Monday 27 February 2017

Homeopathic Children Kit

Rxhomeo® Homeopathic Children's Kit Contains 20 Homeopathic single remedies in 30C potency, each pack contains 400 pellets.

  • 100% Natural, no side effects
  • Soft tablets or pellets dissolve instantly
  • Generic homeopathic single remedies
  • Free reference book, free kit container and free shipping
Rxhomeo® Homeopathic Childrens Kit is designed by our team of homeopathic professionals to help you treat children at home when they suffer with minor health care problems and growing pains. 

Kit contains 20 most essential homeopathic single remedies which help in treating Baby colic, Chest congestion, Common cold, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Cough, Dry cough, Ear ache, Fever, Flu symptoms, Indigestion, inflammations, Insect bites, Nerve trauma, Neuralgic pain, Pains, Skin edema, Sore throat, Swollen tonsils, Teething troubles, Toothache, Wound healing and many more ailments. 

Each remedy is marked by the following key indications:
  1. Aconitum Nap 30C - Cold, flu, tension
  2. Allium Cepa 30C - Cough & cold
  3. Antim Tart 30C - Dry cough, congestion
  4. Apis Mel 30C - Skin edema, insect bites
  5. Arsenic Alb 30C - cold, cough, food poisoning
  6. Belladonna 30C - Fever, pain, neuralgia
  7. Calcarea Phos 6X - Tardy dentition
  8. Carbo Veg 30C - Weak digestion
  9. Chamomilla 30C - Baby colic, teething
  10. Euphrasia Off 30C - Conjunctivitis
  11. Ferrum Phos 6X - Fever, inflammation
  12. Gelsemium 30C - Flu symptoms
  13. Glonine 30C - Summer complaints
  14. Hypericum Perf 30C - Nerve trauma and pain
  15. Ipecauc 30C - Vomitings
  16. Magnesia Phos 6X - Neuralgic pain
  17. Mercurius Sol 30C - Sore throat, anemia
  18. Nux Vomica 30C - Indigestion, cold, anxiety
  19. Plantago Major 30C - Ear and toothache
  20. Rhus Tox 30C - Backache, urticaria
All remedies are packed in light weight and compact container and comes with a self-help book. If you run out of any of these remedies, no need to order the entire kit again, you can simply order refills. 
Warnings: This kit is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking any remedy from this kit * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal of remedy pack is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use.

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