Tuesday 17 March 2015

Rxhomeo,inc Homeopathy - Fatigue Treatment Combo

Fatigue Treatment Combo 

Fatigue Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies: 

1. LAC CANINUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz) 
2. FERRUM PICRICUM 6X HPUS 250 tablets (1oz)

Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Lac Caninum and Ferrum Picricum for relief of fatigue. 

Lac Caninum: Lac Caninum has marked action on treating fatigue. There is easy exhaustion, prostration and weakness with sinking spells every morning. Over sensitivenessof nerves producing restlessness, prostration and abnormal sensations. There is weakness of mind causing forgetfulness. Cannot concentrate mind on reading or studying. While walking seems to be walking in air. There is also faintness in stomach, with sinking feeling in epigastrium. Even though hungry cannot eat enough.

Ferrum Picricum: Ferrum Picricum is useful in fatigue when there is failure of the function of organ under exertion like failure of voice in public speakers.

Directions:  Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve on tongue. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.
Ingredients: Fatigue Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:
1. LAC CANINUM 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz) 
2. FERRUM PICRICUM 6X HPUS 250 tablets (1oz) 
Warnings:  This product is to be used for self-limiting conditions. If symptoms do not improve in 4 days or worsen, discontinue use and seek assistance of a health professional * As with any drug, if you are pregnant or nursing a baby seek professional advise before taking this product * Keep this and all medicine out of reach of children * Store in a cool dark place * Do not use if cap seal is broken or missing * Close cap tightly after use. 

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