Thursday 25 June 2015

Homeopathic Remedies – General Homeopathy

Homeopathic Remedies – General Homeopathy Bu


Burns Relief Combo

Symptomatic relief from minor Burns on the human skin 
  • 100% Natural
  • No Side Effects
  • Soft Tablets or Pellets Dissolve Instantly
  • Combo drugs selected by experienced professionals

Indications: A homeopathic combination pack with two single remedies Urtica Urens and Kali Muriaticum for relief of symptoms due to burns. 

Urtica Urens: 

Urtica Urens helps burns and scalds. It helps in symptoms caused due to burns, bee stings, allergic reactions, ill effects of shell fish and nettle rash. Urtica Urens is useful in first degree burns, locally and internally. There are vesicles, burns and scalds with intense  burning and itching; There is also stinging and burning pains.

Kali Muriaticum: 

Kali Muriaticum is useful in relief of symptoms of burns with ulcers with whitish, flour like coating or fibrinous white discharge. Also skin conditions caused due to bad effects of vaccination.
Directions: Adults: Take 4-5 pellets or tablets orally by mouth and allow them to dissolve on tongue. Repeat at least 3 times a day, about 30 minutes before or after food. Similarly take the second remedy after a gap of 30 minutes, make sure to remember the sequence. Children: Half of the adult dose.

Ingredients: Burns Relief Combo is packed with two single homeopathic remedies:
1. URTICA URENS 30C HPUS 750 pellets (1oz) 
2. KALI MURIATICUM 6X HPUS 250 tablets (1oz) 

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